Understanding the impact of influencer marketing

Blogger promoting goods and services for followers online vector illustration. Potential product consumers reading influencer advices.

In recent years, influencer marketing has transformed from a supplementary income stream for social media personalities into a powerful force in contemporary advertising

CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on SME News

For dealers, recognising how the rise of influencers has reshaped consumer behaviour. As businesses seek innovative ways to connect with their target markets, partnering with influencers offers a compelling avenue to boost credibility, drive engagement and foster lasting consumer loyalty.

From a side income gig to a thriving industry, influencer marketing has evolved into a pivotal force in non-conventional advertising. Research underscores its impact, revealing that 40% of millennial YouTube subscribers feel closer to their favourite online creators than to their own friends and family. This highlights the power of personal endorsements from trusted influencers, which resonate deeper with consumers than direct brand messaging or personal recommendations.

Consider eco-friendly shampoo endorsements: a sustainability influencer’s recommendation carries more weight than that of a close friend or the brand itself. This advantage allows brands to tap into communities already aligned with their values, benefiting from the genuine connections influencers have fostered.

Understanding impact

The influence of social media users is unmatched; 45% of European Gen Z consumers are more likely to purchase brands endorsed by influencers, compared to just 18% influenced by friends. Additionally, 75% of B2B buyers rely on social media for purchasing decisions, seeking authentic user-generated content.

Understanding audience

To capitalise on this, brands must align with influencers whose audiences resonate closely with their ethos. This ensures endorsements feel authentic, enhancing audience receptivity and driving meaningful consumer actions.

Understanding authenticity

Authenticity is key: studies show relatability (61%) surpasses expertise (43%) and aspirational living (28%) in influencing consumer behaviour. Businesses must prioritise partnerships that align with their marketing goals and product attributes.

In conclusion, influencer marketing represents a potent avenue for dealers looking to diversify their marketing strategies and enhance brand engagement. By leveraging the authenticity and deep connections influencers have with their audiences, businesses can tap into pre-established communities that align closely with their brand values.

This approach not only boosts consumer trust and credibility but also drives meaningful actions and fosters long-term brand loyalty. As the landscape of advertising continues to evolve, embracing influencer partnerships offers dealers a dynamic way to amplify their message, reach new audiences, and ultimately achieve substantial returns on their marketing investments.


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