Business Products Group International (BPGI) is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year.
Established in 1998, the international purchasing consortium has spent the last two decades enhancing the purchasing power of independent dealers and their buying groups beneath an international umbrella. The consortium’s members span the breadth of Europe and Australia, bringing together incredible buying power and expertise in the support of independent dealers.
BPGI and its member groups have partnered with many of the leading office products manufacturers in the industry, delivering sales growth as well as brand penetration throughout the relevant markets. BPGI continues to develop close ties with preferred suppliers partners and explore new ways to deliver continued growth opportunities.
Barrie Hayes, BPGII’s CEO, commented: “Whilst the organisation has gone thorough many changes particularly more recently, we are pleased that its members still see real value in the organisation and a great example of that was the re-joining of Quantore in 2017 after a short spell away. In 2017 we have seen some substantial growth with some of our key vendors, which clearly demonstrates that the independent market is still in good shape, even with its challenges.”
BPGI will celebrate its anniversary at its April Board of Managers meeting in Malaga, when it will announce its 2017 vendor of the year and also an overall vendor of the last 10 years, following on from the previous vendor of the decade (Acco).
BPGI will continue to mark its 20th Anniversary throughout 2018 with a series of member events.
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