The Good Father reflects on the warm weather this summer and the variety of benefits ventilation provides
We didn’t have to buy in a load of air coolers and fans this summer as we still have the same ones we ordered in five years ago sitting in the warehouse. It’s always a risky strategy and this year we decided not to promote them because the hot weather was bound to only last a few days before the onset of the normal summer rain, hail and snow.
It turned out that I was wrong, and it lasted a little longer, so much so that we actually sold one of the air coolers, and had a celebratory lap of the office, only for the customer to return it as there was a COVID outbreak in their office and they blamed our product.
Air coolers and ventilation of any type are very important to all of our employees, not least because of Mrs O’Reilly’s personal hygiene problems; she’s well aware that there is a smell but she says she doesn’t know where it comes from. People over the years have mentioned it, and lots of visitors have remarked on how we always have the windows open, even in the winter. “Don’t you get cold?” they often ask and we always think to ourselves that being cold is much better than the alternative!
When you stop and think about it, if the forecasters are correct, air coolers and fans and even air conditioning units are something we are all going to be selling more of in the future; add to that the onset of flooding and we might have to stock up on buckets as well.
Things are changing in the wonderful world of office products. We’ll no longer be looked upon as boring pens and pencils salesmen – all of a sudden we’ll be able to tell people what we do without feeling embarrassed about it! We’ll be able to say that we help people to stay healthy and fit, and we’ll be able to stand in the bar on a Friday night boasting about this week’s sales and offering interesting insights into the latest trends.
People will come to us who need help. It won’t be just because their staplers are empty, or that they need someone to moan at about the price of paper – and won’t that be a grand day when it eventually arrives…
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