The imposing of working from home orders in England because of the rapid spread of the Omicron variant of coronavirus has impacted businesses in our sector that rely on the occupation of offices
It is crucial that the industries most affected by Plan B provisions are supported by government. In addition to the work from home guidance and corresponding loss of trade, rising energy and other costs are hitting hard. For companies in our sector who are already struggling to recover for all of these reasons, the Plan B measures are a huge setback.
BOSS are speaking to the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) directly to highlight this and we welcome hearing from members so we can share how you have been impacted. Below we have provided a template letter that you can send to your local MP to bring their attention to the impact of the Plan B measures on your business and the office products industry more widely.
We have been advised in this instance that collective lobbying from our sector will have the most success and urge you to send the letter if you believe our sector requires further support.
Download the letter here.
How to use the letter
- Sections highlighted in yellow should be tailored/personalised to your business even if this is very brief.
- It’s very important you include your full address (either home or ideally the business) so the MP can be sure you are a constituent.
How to find your MP
To find your MP click here and put your postcode in the box.
How to send
The House has risen for recess so either send your letter by:
- Email (the email address is given on the same page above, it’s usually firstname.surname.mp@parliament.uk).
- Send by post/or drop it in to the constituency office address. This is not given on the website but most MPs have an easily googled website which shows the constituency office address.
Don’t send by post to House of Commons as there’ll be a significant delay in post being forwarded.
Our Public Affairs adviser Carys Davis will be able to assist with any questions you may have or contact BOSS CEO Amy Hutchinson at amy@bossfederation.co.uk.
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