How Small Changes Can Make a Big Impact

Sustainable green business with sustainable principles dark outline concept. Company with environmental, nature friendly and recyclable resources

Most eco-friendly product swaps are obvious – changing out non-recyclable paper and plastic for more environmentally friendly alternatives, for example. But what are the sustainable switches your customers can make that they may not have already thought about?

As advocates for green practices, dealers play a crucial role in educating customers about the full spectrum of sustainable products available to them. While much of the emphasis often falls on reducing packaging and promoting recycling, it’s important to recognize that there are many everyday products used in the workplace that are often overlooked when it comes to sustainability. Dealers have the responsibility to not only highlight the obvious eco-friendly choices but also to bring attention to these less obvious opportunities for making greener decisions, thereby helping customers adopt a more comprehensive approach to sustainability in their operations.

Detergents, dishwasher tablets and washing up liquids

When ordering kitchen cleaning supplies, it’s important for customers to consider eco-friendly detergents, particularly those free of PVA, a substance found in liquid tabs that can contaminate water supplies. For businesses that handwash dishes, it’s worth recommending the switch to solid soap bars, which can be just as effective as one to three bottles of liquid detergent. To further enhance the sustainability of their workplace kitchen, dealers can point out that using a dishwasher, especially one with an eco-setting, is often more environmentally friendly than handwashing. Dishwashers are designed to use the minimum amount of water necessary, while handwashing typically results in greater water waste.

Swap disposables for washables

In addition to the above, there are numerous ways to boost sustainability in the workplace by opting for reusable products. Instead of disposable wipes, consider offering items like dishwashing brushes, cloths, and sponges that can be washed and used multiple times. These durable alternatives not only reduce waste but also contribute to a more sustainable workplace by minimising the need for single-use items.

Bin the bottles

While reusable water bottles are a step up from disposables, customers can further enhance their eco efforts by eliminating bottles entirely and opting for water filtration jugs instead. These jugs, which can be placed around the office, offer a sustainable alternative, as their filters are recyclable and need to be replaced only every four to six months.

Plant-based power

Veganism may not be the preferred lifestyle for everyone, but workplaces offering on-site snacks and dining options can still make a significant environmental impact by incorporating more plant-based alternatives. By offering vegan options like biscuits, chocolate bars, and snacks, companies provide employees with the opportunity to choose more sustainable foods. Plant-based diets can cut climate emissions, water pollution, and land use by up to 75%. While it’s essential to respect individual food preferences, introducing these vegan options allows staff to make more eco-friendly choices in their daily routines.

Incorporating small, thoughtful swaps alongside larger sustainability initiatives can make a significant impact over time. By guiding customers towards these often-overlooked eco-friendly alternatives—whether it’s choosing solid soap bars over liquid detergents, swapping disposables for washables, or offering plant-based snack options—businesses can contribute to a more sustainable future. These incremental changes, when added together, create a more comprehensive and effective approach to reducing environmental impact.

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