How to be A-OK With No AC

Employee working in office during summer heat, isolated using a fan to try to cool down

We all love a bit of warmth, but with heat comes challenges. For many workplaces, the go-to solution is the air conditioning system. But what about employees who don’t have access to AC in their workspace?

For workers without air conditioning, such as home or remote employees, or those seeking more sustainable and energy-efficient cooling methods, the first step is to identify where heat is problematic. This involves examining the office layout and employee positions, as different areas will trap heat differently. For instance, higher floors and spaces near windows tend to be hotter than ground-floor areas. Dealers should help customers to understand the flow of warm air through the building, helping them to pinpoint areas where employees may require higher levels of hydration and cooling. For instance, suggesting to customers that they increase the number of water coolers or beverage options on higher floors. For homeworkers, desks may need to be repositioned away from windows.

Keeping energy costs down

While air conditioning systems are often essential, companies aiming to reduce their energy usage can benefit from exploring alternative cooling solutions. An air conditioner consumes as much energy in one hour as a refrigerator does in a day. For customers who still wish to use AC, dealers can recommend strategies to reduce energy consumption, such as adopting multi-split systems which can be adjusted to cool specific areas of the building, rather than all of it. This approach is particularly beneficial for businesses with spaces that contain a lot of electrical equipment, like computers, which generate high heat and require additional cooling.

In other areas, workers can adopt more environmentally friendly cooling methods. Dealers might recommend using solar-powered products, such as solar-powered fans, to enhance air circulation. Although fans do not lower the air temperature, they help alleviate moisture and sweat on the skin, making workers more comfortable.

Working with light

We all appreciate bright, natural lighting at work as it boosts mood and keeps everyone energised. However, it’s important for dealers to emphasise the importance of using natural light correctly during hotter months. One effective solution is to offer customers reflective window films. This film lets light pass-through windows while reducing solar heat and providing increased UV protection. Although it’s easy to apply, dealers should consider offering guidance on installation, especially if customers plan to apply the window film externally rather than internally.

Where film is not an option, for example, where team members are working from home, dealers can suggest using anti-glare window covers like those used on car windows. These covers provide a non-permanent solution that can be easily put up, taken down, and moved around the home as needed.

The wonders of water

Hydration is crucial during the summer months. Inadequate hydration can significantly reduce productivity and negatively impact workers’ health and well-being. As mentioned earlier, it’s important to increase water access in the hottest areas of the workplace. Dealers can help customers meet employee hydration needs by offering a variety of solutions, regardless of space or budget constraints. These options might include cold water dispensers, countertop refill stations, filter tap installations or bottled water delivery services.

Another effective way to keep employees cool is through the use of misters. Personal misters provide instant relief from the heat by applying a fine layer of moisture on the skin, which absorbs heat and helps regulate body temperature. The cooling sensation of misting sprays can also have a positive psychological effect, boosting mood and re-energising employees. Dealers should stress the importance of proper mister placement in the workplace, ensuring they are kept away from any electrical equipment. Customers might consider providing misters in workplace bathrooms or changing rooms for added comfort.

A hot and stifling workspace can make any worker feel hot under the collar. However, with thoughtful strategies and innovative solutions, dealers can help businesses and employees alike stay cool and comfortable without relying solely on air conditioning. By focusing on efficient cooling methods, promoting hydration, optimising natural light and utilising products like misters and reflective films, workplaces can enhance productivity and well-being even during the hottest months.


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