A growing team is a sign of success and but it can pose unique challenges – how can leaders keep on top of changing roles and responsibilities?
As a team grows it can be difficult to manage changing roles, responsibilities and relationships. Consider these points to keep on top of your growing team.
Clearly define roles and responsibilities
As teams grow, responsibilities often need to change – and it’s a well known fact that most people don’t really like change. Preparing your team for growth is a great way to stay on top of changes that may create a challenge. It’s important to keep staff well-informed about what’s going on and likely to happen; outline any changes to your business’s workflow and be clear about who is responsible for managing this. Make sure you communicate clear expectations for both new and existing employees.
Onboarding processes
Changing teams means new appointments so you need to look carefully at your onboarding process before your new people start to appear in the workplace. Make sure the job role, responsibilities and team culture are communicated clearly – and as your business grows, make sure you keep your existing employees up-to-date on any changes that may be relevant to them.
Focus on building trust
As new teams are formed encouraging trust between team members is vital – if there is no trust – and maybe even a measure of suspicion – this will almost certainly lead to conflict. Start by really getting to know your employees and, more importantly, help them get to know one another.
Pair new employees with seasoned veterans
Growing your business can be time-consuming; to take some of the weight of management off your shoulders, you can use the skills and experience of your existing team to make sure new employees have the support they need to settle in.
Encourage feedback
Even the best teams face challenges, especially as they are growing. To overcome these it is important to make feedback a part of your company culture, as it can identify what parts of your management approach to growth are working – and which parts aren’t.
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