Janet Bowden, founder of Woodbank Solutions, shares her leadership philosophy, insights and enthusiasm for the future of business innovations
In our latest instalment of our Industry Voices series, Janet Bowden, the founder and leader of Woodbank Solutions, shares her invaluable insights on leadership, success and the importance of building strong relationships.
What makes a good leader in trying times?
“Never stop working at it or take it for granted. As a leader, being hands on and staying involved with your business, customers and the people that work with you is very important. This has allowed me to build and sustain great relationships with our suppliers, manufacturing partners and our customers. But I never forget that every day is a school day, and you never stop learning.
Success relies on many factors, these include providing guidance and encouragement to your team, treating your customers and employees with respect, building trust and strong relationships and working hard to deliver what you set out to do.
Trust has always been crucial to me, and it has to be mutual. I’ve learned over the years that allowing people to develop themselves through guidance and encouragement is necessary for their own growth and that of the company. The biggest lesson I’ve taken away from my journey so far is finding the best people you can, providing them an environment where they can thrive and rewarding them accordingly.
I’m excited about innovations that offer businesses flexibility, such as the advancements in print and document management. These technologies transform business operations and enable companies to think about, for example, hybrid and remote working. They also give businesses more freedom to operate smarter, in multiple locations. Being able to implement a holistic solution in your business is no longer limited to big companies. They’re now much more affordable and accessible for smaller companies.
My personal mantra has always been ‘Work hard in silence, let success be your noise’. I’ve always enjoyed being hands-on and still enjoy the opportunity to go and see our customers.”
This is a distilled version of Janet’s interview in the Summer 2024 issue of Dealer Support. You can read the full interview here: https://issuu.com/edexec/docs/dealer_support_summer_2024/18
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