Konica Minolta Business Solutions (UK) Ltd and Solutions In Technology are celebrating 20 Years of Partnership Success
Solutions In Technology has been a Konica Minolta partner since its inception in 2003 and is the manufacturer’s only exclusive partner in South Wales.
Reflecting upon the genesis of the partnership, Simon Lacey, group technical director and co-owner at Solutions In Technology commented, “Having worked with other technology providers before setting up our own business, it was always clear that Konica Minolta is a great brand with excellent technology. Its products are very reliable, and in a business environment avoiding breakdowns is of course vital for our customers, but it was also a big consideration for us as a startup company. Back in 2003 we were also seeing a big move over to digital print and Konica Minolta offered a colour machine which was taking the market by storm at that time, all factors which persuaded us that this was the partnership for us.”
With regards to the partnership’s longevity, Lacey added, “Many of the customers we speak to are aware of Konica Minolta’s good reputation and have enjoyed excellent service from its products. Also, the ongoing support from Konica Minolta really stands out – we can pick up the phone to the team at any time and know that we will either get an answer straight away or very quickly afterwards.”
With its Head Office based in Cwmbran, South Wales, and sales reach throughout Wales and the West of England, Solutions In Technology continues to be a growing entity. With approximately 1,300 Machines in Field (MIF) it has a core sales team of nine people, along with an expert and experienced service team (some of whom have been with the company almost from its inception), which has an unrivalled call response time in the area and is proud of its positive service reputation.
The post-pandemic shift towards remote and hybrid working has seen Solutions In Technology’s market evolve rapidly with demand for remote printing, home printing, and centralised printing taking centre stage for many customers. Despite the changes in demand, the company still has a broad customer base, ranging from small SoHo businesses to schools, with local education still comprising a high percentage of its customer base. This diversity has benefited the company by delivering a good mixture of sectors, meaning that if a specific industry is having a challenging period there are plenty of others to ensure its business remains buoyant.
Solutions In Technology recently earned another well-respected Konica Minolta Service Accreditation Award, reflecting its commitment to service excellence. Richard Wilkins, group sales director and fellow co-owner at Solutions In Technology stated, “We want our customers to be happy with us from day one and to continue their journey with us. We still have customers that have been with us from the start in 2003 and who are on their fifth or sixth Konica Minolta machine. To achieve that means providing the levels of service they need and deserve. We are also heavily focused on new business and testimonials and recommendations from our existing customers is a big part of that. We pride ourselves on being a local, well proven, and independent provider – which is quite unusual in South Wales today. Our customers are very happy with the service they get, which is proof we are taking the right approach.”
Wendy Williams, Solutions In Technology’s Account Manager at Konica Minolta Business Solutions (UK) Ltd also commented, “We are thrilled to celebrate the first 20 years of partnership with Lacey, Wilkins, and the team. Whilst Solutions In Technology is an established and highly successful business, it is also relatively young in print channel terms and has the fierce determination and technical excellence to remain highly competitive. This is a partnership which continues to evolve and grow, and we look forward to working closely together for the next two decades.”
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