Pocket-sized power: Personal tech products for 2024


smart watch and mobile phone with charging 

In an era where bigger isn’t always better, dealers have a unique opportunity to guide customers towards personal tech solutions tailored to their specific needs

The rise of remote, hybrid, and on-the-go work has led to an increased demand for portable, pocket-sized tech that can keep workers productive while they’re on the move. In situations where bigger isn’t always better, dealers have an opportunity to steer customers towards personal tech solutions that cater to their unique needs. Here’s a selection of top products to keep customers switched on this summer.

Foldable screens

While not precisely pocket-sized, foldable screens designed for meetings and presentations outside the office are gaining popularity in 2024. In the past, foldable screens were viewed as somewhat risky due to concerns about pricing and fragility. However, the latest versions available on the market have shown significant improvements in durability. These screens are lightweight, easy to transport, and many can be folded down to fit within a 12.5-inch space in bags or carriers.

Portable power banks

Remaining at the forefront of essential products for workers on the move, portable power banks are crucial for ensuring business continuity while traveling. Especially valuable for workers in areas where connectivity or power sources may be limited, such as airports and train stations, there are now numerous options available on the market with eco-friendly credentials, including solar-powered chargers and those made from PVC-free certified plastic.

Mini projectors

Ideal for meetings where there is no in-house screen set up, portable projectors are gaining traction as the rise in face-to-face meetings continues. There are various options available, including wireless setups and projectors that enable connection to mobile devices. Dealers should engage with customers to understand their specific requirements and help them choose the right product accordingly.

Wearable tech

Wearable tech, including smartwatches and bracelets, is making waves in the workplace, especially with the heightened emphasis on employee health and wellbeing. Products and accessories that assist employees in tracking physical activity, such as steps, or remind them to stand up and move around after prolonged periods of inactivity, are gaining popularity. Wearable tech can also serve as an alert system for workers with hearing or visual impairments; for instance, some SMART bracelets vibrate in the case of a fire alarm.

They say great things come in small packages, and for dealers, focusing on pocket-sized products allows them to meet the unique needs of workers who demand flexibility and usability while on the move or in unconventional workspaces. Foldable screens, portable power banks, mini projectors, and wearable tech offer versatility and productivity enhancements, making them valuable tools for today’s dynamic work environments.


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