Prevention is better than cure in property maintenance

housing, maintenance, renovation, repair or facility managament concept.

In business property maintenance, prevention is better than cure, especially with BCIS predicting a 10 percent increase in maintenance costs this year. From efficient electrics to safeguarding pipes, here’s how dealers can assist businesses in protecting properties against damage and deterioration

The importance of preventative maintenance for business properties cannot be overstated. Whether a business owns or rents its property, maintenance is closely linked to overall costs. A property in poor condition often requires expensive remedial work, and these costs are likely to be passed down as increased rent or other fees — expenses businesses want to avoid, especially when budgets are tighter than ever.

So, what can dealers offer customers to help mitigate the risk of expensive repairs? The solution lies in simple steps to protect properties from common causes of damage such as flooding, faults, and deterioration. For instance, do your customers know that damage from leaking pipes can cost up to £26,000 over a year?

While most businesses will outsource property maintenance tasks that require specialist skills – it’s not a good idea to have employees fixing faulty roof panels – there are many steps they can take themselves to protect their property assets.

Security systems

Good security systems, from CCTV to window locks, are essential for property maintenance and protection. They deter thieves and allow businesses to monitor activity within the premises during non-occupational periods, which can be crucial for insurance claims requiring evidence of how or why damage occurred. Dealers should guide customers toward robust security systems that include motion detection lights and monitored alarms. Additionally, by providing businesses with extra security products like anti-graffiti paint, dealers can help customers maintain their properties more effectively.


By helping customers upgrade and maintain their HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems, dealers can help to significantly reduce business costs. According to EDF Energy, the average UK firm could save £46,316 annually by adopting simple energy-efficient measures. Proper heating and ventilation also prevent damage from frozen pipes and damage from extreme temperatures such as warping doors and windows. Dealers might recommend products like radiator boosters or automatic bleeders to enhance efficiency, while thermal strips around doors and windows can save up to 30% on heating costs. Additionally, dealers should ensure customers conduct regular inspections, cleaning, and upkeep of their heating and air conditioning systems using the correct tools and products.


Electrical equipment is the lifeblood of most businesses, and proper maintenance of electrical systems is crucial for property upkeep. Think of it as the building’s nervous system! Degradation of electrical systems can arise from various sources, leading to costly repairs and posing health and safety hazards. While fixing electrical issues should be left to experts, dealers can assist businesses by providing proper signage and organizational labels for electrical panels to identify each area of the building. Electrical surges can damage equipment and increase fire risk, so dealers may also recommend the use of surge protectors.

In conclusion, proactive property maintenance is essential for businesses to avoid costly repairs and ensure smooth operations. Dealers play a crucial role in this process by guiding customers towards products that support preventive measures. This not only helps businesses safeguard their properties but also contributes to significant cost savings and enhanced safety.

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