Read again: Conquering telephone anxiety: Understanding and overcoming telephobia

Woman stressed looking at mobile phone screen having to accept a call

Ever felt the knot in your stomach tighten at the mere thought of dialling a number? You’re not alone. Phone anxiety, an underestimated adversary, silently plagues the UK workforce, casting a shadow over daily interactions and productivity

CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on SME Today

New insights from Face For Business, a telephone answering provider, expose the stark reality: a staggering 65% of UK office workers grapple with some level of phone anxiety. Labelled as ‘telephobia’, this fear of phone conversations is a pervasive issue affecting countless employees nationwide.

Of particular concern is its disproportionate impact on younger workers, aged 18-34. Shockingly, 55% of 18-24-year-olds and 67% of 25-34-year-olds confess that telephobia has hindered their ability to answer calls.

Mike Davies, a seasoned communications expert at Face For Business, sheds light on the gravity of phone anxiety: “It’s more than just an inconvenience; it’s a significant hurdle that impedes productivity and stifles communication.”

Respondents cite ‘general nerves’ as the primary trigger, closely followed by apprehensions of facing irate customers—a stark reminder of the emotional minefield every ringing phone presents.

Addressing phone anxiety

  • Exposure therapy: Gradually acclimatising by making and receiving calls, starting with low-stakes conversations and progressing to more challenging interactions.
  • Relaxation techniques: Combat physical symptoms of anxiety with deep breathing and meditation, to navigate calls with calmness.
  • Prepare talking points: Make sure to prepare a clear plan of discussion, easing the fear of fumbling through conversations.
  • Challenge negative thoughts: Counter pessimism with rational thinking, focusing on the potential positives rather than the daunting negatives.
  • Seek support: Consider professional guidance from therapists or workplace training sessions dedicated to phone communication skills.

In a world dominated by digital interactions, mastering the art of phone communication remains a crucial skill. By investing in training and support for young staff members, employers can empower their teams to navigate phone conversations with ease and effectiveness, cultivating confidence and productivity in the workplace.

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