Read Again: From Setup to Success: The potential power of on-site services

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When considering the various facets and tasks related to selling workplace supplies, field services might not initially spring to mind. After all, customers typically know what products they need and how to use them. However, there is potential added value in providing on-site services, and this can significantly contribute to dealers’ revenue and sales prospects

Field services primarily entail technical activities such as installation, repair, and maintenance. These services encompass corrective, preventative or proactive measures and are widely recognised as crucial components of the sales and aftercare process across various industries. Field services also serve as an effective way for businesses to maintain customer relationships, identify potential new avenues for growth and troubleshoot product issues.

While on-site services are commonplace in industries like utilities and telecoms, there are numerous product categories where dealers can offer additional after-sales services. These range from technology and IT to furniture and cleaning and maintenance products.

But what does this entail for dealers, and is the investment of cost and time justified in sending personnel out into the field to deliver add-on services like installations?

Time is precious

Statistics often highlight that, alongside cost savings, timesaving ranks high on the list of priorities for business managers. By providing on-site add-on services like installation, dealers not only spare their customers the time needed for initial setup but also guarantee that products are correctly and effectively utilised right from the start. This ensures they contribute to workplace efficiency. Additionally, it presents an opportunity to verify that the selected products align with the customer’s objectives.

Aligning with objectives

For IT and tech products, this may involve verifying the compatibility of any new technology with existing equipment, creating opportunities for potential future sales should upgrades or replacements be necessary. For furniture, this might entail assisting customers with ergonomic planning and helping to conduct spatial analysis. When it comes to cleaning and workplace maintenance, dealers could consider field services like installing safety boxes, first aid kits, evacuation equipment, and SMART cleaning systems. Through the provision of onsite services, dealers position themselves as pivotal allies in the customer’s business operations, enhancing the customer experience and facilitating time and resource savings.

Sharing knowledge

Of course, there will be instances where geographical constraints or time limitations make it impractical to visit a client on-site. In such cases, dealers can explore alternative methods to enhance after-sales services. For instance, they can offer instructional videos detailing furniture installation and maintenance. Additionally, dealers may consider hosting webinars, especially for audiovisual and communications products that business managers and owners may need additional training in. This approach ensures that customers derive maximum value from their purchases and facilitates knowledge transfer to employees.

When selling workplace supplies, dealers may not initially consider field services, yet they offer significant added value for customers. Onsite services foster customer relationships, identify growth opportunities and align products with customer objectives, potentially leading to future sales. From IT to furniture to cleaning products, by providing excellence in after-sales services, dealers can further solidify their role as trusted product experts and essential partners in customers’ operations, keeping them one step ahead of the competition.

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