The role of durability in shaping consumer choices

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According to a report from Deloitte, shifts in consumer behaviour indicate that as the focus transitions from adaptability to durability in influencing buying decisions, dealers must adapt their strategies accordingly

In recent years, with the emergence of changes in modern working life like the surge in remote work, adaptability has been a primary focus for many dealers. However, although adaptability continues to play a significant role in purchasing decisions, the convergence of a cost-of-living crisis and heightened environmental awareness has led customers to prioritise durability to a greater extent.

The report highlighted the increasing significance of having products that boast longevity and are resistant to becoming obsolete due to advancements in technology. In fact, the report indicates that 55% of customers in the past year opted to repair an item rather than replace it, and 42% expressed willingness to pay a premium for products with an extended lifespan. Moreover, 58% of customers emphasised that durability would be a significant influencing factor when making purchasing decisions.

Product durability entails a product’s capability to endure wear and tear while retaining its functionality over an extended duration. For dealers aiming to enhance their sales approach, integrating discussions about durability and its benefits into conversations with customers is essential. Emphasising durability presents an opportunity to offer added value to customers, potentially leading to further sales opportunities, even if the original product isn’t going to be replaced anytime soon!


Premium-quality materials exhibit greater resistance to wear and tear, whereas lower-quality materials degrade more rapidly. Dealers play a crucial role in educating customers about the various ranges and types of materials used in different products, thereby reinforcing the timeless adage, “buy cheap, pay twice!” For instance, opting for premium filing, organisation and storage solutions instead of leaving loose items scattered on desks or tucked away in drawers can mitigate wear and tear on items that might otherwise collide with various other objects.


Businesses rely on products with extended lifespans, which hinges on effective maintenance. Regular upkeep is essential for prolonging product durability and reducing waste. Dealers should actively engage with customers, informing them about options for cleaning products and offering ongoing sales opportunities through specialised maintenance equipment, replacement parts, and upgrades. This approach fosters a culture of longevity and sustainability across various product categories, ranging from kitchen appliances to printers and scanners to office furniture.


A product’s durability can also hinge on its flexibility – dealers should highlight the potential for adaptability (bringing the sales conversation back full circle) by highlighting multipurpose products that can be multifunctional. For example, modular furniture that can be relocated without detriment to the product integrity. Refillable and reusable options meet this criterion as well, such as ink cartridges and stationery refills, which eliminate the need to replace the entire item. This underscores the importance of offering versatile solutions that promote sustainability and longevity.

With many businesses expressing a willingness to repair items and pay premiums for extended lifespans, dealers have a prime opportunity to cultivate a culture of longevity and sustainability. By emphasizing effective maintenance practices and showcasing the versatility of products, dealers can not only enhance sales opportunities but also add significant value to their offerings.

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