Read again: How cross-departmental teams enhance sustainability strategies

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In many dealer businesses, having a sustainability champion is a common practice, serving as a focal point for environmental initiatives. However, expanding this role to include leads from other departments can significantly enhance sustainability efforts

Having a sustainability champion with specialist knowledge in your business can be immensely advantageous, serving as the central point of contact for all environmental matters. However, to achieve optimal efficiency in your sustainability efforts, this champion needs a team of collaborators. Establishing a cross-departmental sustainability team not only boosts collective productivity on environmental projects but also harnesses diverse expertise from areas like operations, sales, and management.

Multiple perspectives

When it comes to introducing and implementing sustainability practices, businesses need to give careful consideration to all aspects of the organisation and how said changes may impact each operational stage of any process. By passing proposed changes through a group representing various business areas, your sustainability champion can identify and address potential obstacles or bottlenecks that may arise during implementation.

Developing skills and knowledge

Spreading knowledge and understanding of sustainability throughout a business requires an efficient system for disseminating news and information across all departments. Achieving sustainability objectives involves a wide range of specialisations and understandings — it’s not just about reducing consumption. Financial, human, practical, and environmental factors all need to be considered, making it essential to have experts in each area. By creating a team of sustainability champions, changes can be effectively communicated from top to bottom.

Improving engagement             

Engaging multiple people in the delivery of environmental initiatives fosters a sense of inclusion and engagement within the business. Sustainability strategies entail a large amount of work and planning, so ensuring buy-in is vital, particularly for businesses whose eco-champions also oversee other areas of the organisation.

Sharing the workload helps with team building and collaboration. For smaller businesses, the cost of a dedicated sustainability officer may be prohibitive. However, by identifying internal candidates who can contribute to sustainability efforts, businesses can create a cross-functional team. This approach helps drive environmental goals without disrupting or diverting manpower from other areas of the business.

Integrating sustainability into a business’s core operations is a multifaceted endeavour that requires collaboration, diverse expertise and effective communication. By appointing a sustainability champion supported by a cross-departmental team, businesses can efficiently navigate the complexities of implementing sustainable practices. For smaller businesses, leveraging internal talent to form a cross-functional sustainability team offers a cost-effective solution to drive environmental goals without compromising other operational areas.

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