Psychographics: Tailoring Strategies to align with customer values

Psychographics insights concept. A cheerful girl surrounded by icons representing her interests: music, gaming, pets, plants, and sports.

Understanding your customers is a fundamental aspect of any effective sales strategy. For dealers looking to gain insights beyond basic demographics, delving into psychographics can be incredibly beneficial

Psychographics provide a data set that goes beyond typical demographic information such as age, gender and education level. They offer insights into consumer behaviour by examining attitudes, social values, influences and personal desires. This type of qualitative data helps identify patterns and characteristics within a specific customer group, offering a deeper understanding of their motivations and preferences.

For dealers, leveraging psychographics can be crucial in developing sales and marketing strategies that resonate more effectively with customers’ cultural and operational needs. Combining psychographic data with demographic information enables business leaders to construct a comprehensive view of the customer persona.

This can be built by observing and gathering information on the following traits:


How does the customer or business present itself? Is it a high-energy, dynamic organisation or a more traditional, structured one? Are they risk-averse or eager for new experiences? Understanding these aspects of your customer’s brand helps sales teams identify which products might best align with their business personality. For example, a traditional, risk-averse business will likely prefer products with a proven track record and solid data. Conversely, a high-energy business may be more inclined to adopt new, cutting-edge technologies that showcase their position at the forefront of innovation.


The line between work life and personal life is becoming increasingly blurred with the rise of social media. Although a distinction should exist between the two, dealers can gain valuable insights by understanding the correlation between the personality of a business and the lifestyles of its employees. For instance, if a company’s social media features numerous posts about employees participating in sporting events, it is likely that the business values healthy and active lifestyles. Consequently, this customer may be more open to incorporating new products into the workplace that promote health and wellness.


Every business has interests that extend beyond its internal operations, forming connections with the wider community and environment. This could involve partnering with a charity, sponsoring a local football club, or participating in small business forums and events. Aligning with your customers’ interests is a valuable way to personalise your sales strategy. Understanding what interests your customer goes beyond merely discussing their latest fundraising efforts; it’s about adding value to their interactions with your business. For instance, a business heavily involved in local small business networking might appreciate learning about products from new startups or recently introduced local suppliers that share their community-focused values.

Core values

A business’s core values are the beliefs that guide all decision-making. Aligning your offerings with these core values can help you build stronger connections with your customers. For dealers, this is essential for developing a deeper level of trust with the customer. Demonstrating an understanding of and alignment with core values shows a commitment to fostering a business relationship that goes beyond mere transactions. For example, if a business prioritises sustainable practices, offering sustainable products is a good start. However, sales teams can elevate this by highlighting products that use plant-based materials, adhere to fair-trade policies and come from suppliers that follow ethical manufacturing processes.

Integrating psychographic insights with demographic data enables dealers to create a complete picture of customer personas. This allows sales teams to pinpoint decision-making criteria, key behavioural drivers and potential barriers to engagement. Sources such as engagement surveys, personal research, and focus groups provide valuable data for this purpose. By demonstrating a genuine grasp of customers’ motivations and preferences, dealers can tailor strategies that resonate with their cultural, operational, and personal needs.

Ultimately, this comprehensive understanding empowers dealers to develop targeted and effective sales and marketing strategies, enhancing their ability to meet customer expectations and drive business growth.

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