A-dapt International wins 2023 Stationers’ Company Innovator of the Year Award

A-dapt International Ltd’s Ms. Rose, Adaptive Media Math Tutor, secures the 2023 Stationers’ Company Innovator of the Year award, transforming video-based learning with a unique emphasis on personalized attention and engagement

The Adaptive Media Maths Tutor adapts to the pace of the individual. It is the first-ever video format where answers can be input and assessed directly in the video enabling pupils to follow the right learning pathway. Human factors are also assessed directly, using Emotion AI technology, enabling the video tutor Ms Rose to assess attention and signs of maths anxiety. It is far superior to traditional linear video as it leads to improved engagement, which is especially useful for those learners who have short attention spans.

The Master of The Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers, Mr Tony Mash said ‘ We are an organisation with an ancient heritage and a modern outlook, that supports the communication and content industries through fellowship, education, training and charitable endeavour.

With that said, I trust you can see how important our Innovation Excellence Awards are to us.

I have seen some very exciting and bold innovations come through this Hall in the last 8 years and have recognised the ambition, the drive and the investment that has gone into each one.

My optimism for the future comes from you, the innovators. Despite the economic and political uncertainties which we all face, there is a recognition that innovation is the key not only to long-term business prosperity but, in many cases, to competitive edge and business survival.

The Stationers’ Innovation Excellence Awards winners are:

For Business Process: Contact Originators for PrintHQ, an automated digital shim printing technology process.

For Customer Experience: Xerox for CareAR which addresses customers’ needs with a simple point-and-shoot solution overlaying Augmented Reality on video which facilitates swift troubleshooting and delivering solutions to customers simply.

For Communications including Marketing: Rose Calendars for sustainable business calendars using solar power and vegetable inks.

For Product Design: Parkside Flexibles for paper recyclable flexible packaging for Iceland’s North coast range of seafood which uses water-based coatings to give freezer-proof functionality to paper which removes the need for plastic packaging in the frozen food sector.

For Service Development: Glassboxx for Glassboxx whose service enables publishers to make direct sales where the UX optimises the customer journey in bringing new titles to market.

For Start-Ups: A-dapt International for Ms. Rose, Adaptive Media Math Tutor which is an adaptive and personalised tutoring for school maths using Emotion AI

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