2020 was a difficult year for nearly everyone in our industry: with staff in furlough or – worse – laid off, financial support for colleagues in need has never been greater
Fortunately, the BOSS Business Supplies Charity was there for them: in 2020 we helped as many as 172 families, distributing more than £90,000 in grants and financial assistance, including over 100 new COVID Emergency Payments.
Indeed, 2020 was one of the busiest years that the charity has experienced in its 100+ year history, but– despite the welcome view of a light at the end of the tunnel in terms of the national vaccination programme – we expect the need for our assistance to be just as urgent in 2021. With the government’s furlough programme ending in April, and schools and businesses readjusting to operating in yet another ‘new kind of normal’, this will be another turbulent year for our industry.
But the BOSS Charity will still be here to help those who need it: if you are aware of anyone in our industry who needs our help – or just want to know more about the charity and what it does – click here and help us bring that light a little closer.
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