Five questions to reignite your job spark

wellbeing, job, professional, work-life balance, career

Some questions to ask yourself if you are feeling a little uninspired by your career

Credit: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on happiful

Often, the time we spend working (or thinking about working) outweighs time with friends and families. This isn’t necessarily negative if our work supports a meaningful life; however, it seems that more and more people do not feel aligned with the role – valued or challenged. The pandemic has also shifted the workplace culture and the change to flexible working has also provided new opportunities. 

As with all life decisions, it is important to try to move forward without (or with minimal) fear, and with an open mind. So, perhaps these five questions will help reconnect you with your chosen career path and purpose.

1. Is your work ‘meaningful’?

A sense of purpose at work keeps us motivated and connected to something bigger. Assess your company’s values and your own; do they match? Make a note of if, or how you could influence positive change. Recall the colleagues that inspire you and share your vision.

2. Do you feel valued?

Feeling as though you are making a difference, and that our contributions matter, is vital to feeling fulfilled. Reflect on feedback, and the work you have been thanked for. Assess how you have enabled your team to achieve objectives – do you feel pride in them and as though they are appreciated?

3. What skills are you learning?

Our learning capacity and, therefore, our potential, are endless. Access to development keeps us engaged –  through learning new skills, observing, or simply saying ‘Yes’ more often. 

4. How could you improve your work life?

Reflect on the elements from the above points that resonate with you and identify where there might be a gap to close. Is there a bigger calling, or maybe you feel more invested in where you are now?

5. What is holding you back from change?

This is the most important question. Often, we know we are ready for change and are curious about our future, but the comfort of a current role prevents us from taking the leap.  If a career change ‘feels’ exciting, but also overwhelming (which is completely normal), then consider asking for support. 

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