Superstat is to hold another free sales training workshop to help salespeople during the current lockdown
This is the fourth free sales workshop the group has provided to help dealers during the pandemic, and this time will focus on creating the right sales approach during a lock down. Despite the current situation dealers are still ambitious about winning new business and want to do that professionally.
The session will be led by Superstat’s training partner Tony Goodwin from Sandler training, who already works with several the groups dealers to help them maximise results by perfecting their sales approach.
- Create a structure and action plan to follow through the lockdown and throughout 2021.
- Go into the sales process, guided by your system, not the prospects.
- Use good sales habits that build up your margins.
- Minimise the time spent with leads/prospects who will never buy.
- Spend time with the right customers and right prospects.
Sales director Richard Lockley said: “Despite the current lockdown there is a huge appetite in the dealer community to carry on and keep winning new business. We have been helping dealers’ to win some major new accounts by helping them access online trading platforms and training sessions which are giving sales teams the right messages to go out and win business.”
How to sell effectively in a lockdown – webinar, 22 January 2021, 11-12pm
Here’s the link to register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/how-to-sell-more-effectively-in-a-lockdown-tickets-132938108461
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