Getting Crafty: The Rise of the Artisanal Business

Artist in handmade ceramics shop. Small business vector illustration. Owner of ceramics store sitting and painting

With a significant rise in small businesses dedicated to crafting, unique, bespoke items over recent years, it should only make sense for dealers to consider tapping into this growing demographic

The market for handmade, niche, and artisanal products is booming. The modern artisan entrepreneur movement has evolved far beyond online platforms like Etsy, witnessing a 16% rise in new businesses over the past two years. Once seen as a way for busy mums to earn a side income, these ventures have now gone global, frequently employing small teams and expanding well beyond the outdated “side-hustle” label. Take entrepreneur Lucy Hay for example. Lucy recently hit the headlines with her luxury scarf business, which started in craft fairs and now turns over approximately £100,000 per year.

In short, from bespoke jewellery to sustainable clothing, these businesses are expanding beyond the spare room and into commercial spaces. But how can dealers attract these growing businesses, which typically rely on platforms like Amazon for their supplies? More importantly, is it worth the effort?

Engage and connect

 The first step for dealers to engage with the modern artisan market is to communicate their ability to cater to these businesses and highlight the benefits. Some artisans may be deterred by the perceived high cost of supplies but may not be aware of the advantages of working with a dealer. One of the main challenges in this market is the time-consuming nature of restocking and ordering, especially during peak seasons like Christmas when demand for personalised and artisan products surged by 40% last year. Dealers can emphasise the convenience of having a single point of contact for workplace supplies, making it an attractive proposition for these businesses.

What they need, when they need it

For any growing business, reliability is key to ensuring they have the right materials when they need them. For niche businesses, this can be especially challenging. These businesses not only require standard supplies for organisational efficiency, such as packaging, printing technology and office equipment, but they also often need to source unique items or materials that can be hard to find. Dealers, with their expertise and trusted partners across the supply chain, are well-positioned to locate these unusual products and guide customers in making savvy choices about the brands they use.

Growing with the business

Finally, a key advantage for modern artisanal businesses is the flexibility and responsiveness that dealers provide, enabling a partnership that evolves with the customer’s growth. Today, it might be an order for five packs of printer paper; next year, it could be outfitting a brand-new commercial space. Dealers can position themselves as invaluable partners in this growth journey. By offering expert advice on the latest technologies, they can help businesses stay ahead of the curve and enhance operational efficiency. When it comes to setting up larger workspaces, dealers can provide tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of the business, ensuring a smooth transition as they move into new premises. Additionally, as artisanal businesses expand their teams, the demand for a wider range of supplies will increase. Dealers, with their extensive product knowledge and industry connections, can cater to these evolving requirements.

By engaging with the expanding market of artisanal businesses, dealers can secure a significant advantage. As these enterprises grow or are acquired by larger companies, dealers with established relationships will be well-positioned as preferred suppliers. Additionally, these niche businesses may be overlooked by competitors who mistakenly view them as mere side hustles, creating a unique opportunity for proactive dealers to secure long-term, trusted partnerships.

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