Happiness: Simple steps

Happy young woman awakening in the morning

Daily stresses weave their threads into everyone’s experience, underscoring the universal need to navigate these pressures by embracing simple pleasures and adopting a healthy lifestyle; in doing so, we not only fortify our resilience but also pave the way for a more gratifying and sustainable well-being

CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on NHS

Manage your stress levels

If life has you feeling a bit frazzled, it’s time to take control. Explore effective time-management techniques to ease stress. Introduce regular exercise and carve out some ‘me-time’; small positive changes that can work wonders.

Embrace breathing exercises to tackle stress and anxiety. Dive into stress management and resilience-building on the Mind website. For practical self-help, explore cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) techniques on Every Mind Matters.

Enjoy the simple pleasures

Boost your emotional wellbeing by indulging in activities you enjoy. Whether it’s catching a sports match with a friend, luxuriating in a bath, or sharing coffee with pals, these simple pleasures can brighten your day. Engage in activities you excel at, like cooking or dancing, for that sense of accomplishment.

Avoid short-term pleasures that leave a long-term impact, such as excessive drinking or junk food binges.

Elevate your self-esteem

Self-esteem shapes how you view yourself. Treat yourself with the kindness you’d extend to a valued friend. When negative thoughts arise, counter them with positive affirmations. Instead of saying, “You’re so stupid for not getting that job,” ask yourself, “Would I say that to my best friend?” Probably not. Replace negativity with positivity: “You’re a bright person; you’ll get the next job.”

Embrace a healthy lifestyle

Limit alcohol intake

In challenging times, alcohol may seem like a coping mechanism, but it can amplify negative feelings. Discover tips for cutting down on alcohol.

Choose a balanced diet

Opt for a diet that emotionally fortifies you. Making healthy choices positively impacts your self-esteem. A well-balanced diet supports both your brain and body. Include all the main food groups for optimum nutrition.

Prioritise exercise

Even moderate exercise triggers mood-lifting brain chemicals. It aids better sleep, boosts energy levels, and keeps your heart healthy. Choose an activity you enjoy, whether alone or with a friend. Aim for at least 150 minutes a week.

Ensure quality sleep

Adequate sleep, around 7 to 8 hours for adults, is essential for physical and mental rejuvenation. Organise your thoughts with a ‘to-do’ list before bedtime to clear your mind.

Talk and share

Communication is a key to releasing tension. Whether with a friend, family member, or counsellor, talking things through strengthens relationships and offers emotional relief. Many find counselling invaluable for navigating troubling thoughts.

Build your resilience

Resilience allows you to weather life’s storms. Transform difficult times into opportunities for growth. Starting a support group or channelling pain into creative outlets like writing, painting, or singing can be therapeutic.

Life’s ups and downs are inevitable, but your capacity for happiness is within your grasp. Discover the joy in simple moments and make choices that nurture your physical and mental well-being.

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