How dealers can help customers promote a healthy and active work life

Worker Doing Exercise At The Office. Workplace Health And Wellness Concept. V

In an era where health awareness is paramount, maintaining a balanced approach to address the physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing of employees is crucial. The workplace can play a pivotal role in promoting healthy habits. Here’s how dealers can help customers to enhance physical health in the workspace

Creating a workspace that prioritises the wellbeing of its occupants, both physically and mentally, has far-reaching benefits. Known impacts of a healthy lifestyle include increased energy levels, enhanced focus, and the prevention of issues like muscle soreness and tension. But what can small businesses do to help teams be more physically healthy at work?

Enhance air quality

To achieve improved physical wellbeing, workspaces need to be clean, well-ventilated, and bathed in ample natural light. Air filtration systems and purifiers can further improve air quality, reducing the spread of germs and air pollution, consequently minimising the occurrence of illnesses within the workplace. By making customers aware of the benefits of air purification, dealers can help to provide the correct air systems for the space. Cleaning products designed to stop the spread of contaminants and improve freshness are also opportunities for resellers to assist customers in creating cleaner air quality in the office.

Water stations and hydration products

Hydration is a fundamental aspect of wellbeing, and workplaces should provide enough water stations to encourage regular water intake. Dehydration can significantly diminish work performance, with a 3-4% dehydration level resulting in a 25-50% decline in productivity. By offering products such as reusable water bottles, dealers can help customers to not only support hydration but also contribute to reducing plastic waste.

Promoting active living

Recognition and rewards act as powerful motivators for employees to adopt and sustain healthy habits. Many businesses use incentives such as cycle-to-work schemes or walk-to-work initiatives, dealers can assist clients to promote active lifestyles by considering providing outdoor storage facilities for equipment and security products like bike stands and lockers for sportswear and trainers.

Dealers can play a pivotal role in reinforcing these initiatives by also offering products that encourage walking and cycling to work – such as security products like bike locks, outdoor cameras and signage to inform employees of healthy initiatives.

While a full-fledged fitness regime may not be feasible for every business, dealers can enhance the overall health and productivity of employees by offering products that complement a healthy and active work life.


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