Lyreco reached an agreement with Broadview Holding to acquire Intersafe and Elacin, two major players in the PPE market in the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Germany. Completion of the transaction will take place after the approval by the competition authority in the Netherlands.
With a €125m consolidated turnover and 360 employees, the group formed by Intersafe and Elacin has a leading position on the PPE distribution market in the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Germany.
Aiming to become a workplace supplies multi-specialist, Lyreco reinforces its expertise on the PPE market, reaching with Intersafe and Elacin combined PPE revenues above €200m.
“Combining Intersafe and Elacin strong expertise with our excellence in logistics and sales operations will cement our ambition to become a European leader in PPE,” said Hervé Milcent, CEO of Lyreco.
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