Nemo Office Club announces new executive board member

As reported by Nemo Office Club, the company welcomes Mike Carter to the executive board of the company

Nemo Office Club announce the addition of Mike Carter, MD of Manchester-based Chariot Office Supplies, to the Executive Board of the company.

“Our strength has always been our understanding of what a dealer needs,” explains group chairman Michael Morgan, also MD of South Wales based dealer Morgan & Morgan, “although we have an excellent team running the day-to-day business and employing the strategic direction of the group, under the leadership of MD Tim Beaumont,  everything is overseen by an executive committee of full shareholding members who have full power over the key decisions and financial budget. It is a big responsibility, and we are delighted that Mike has agreed to join the exec board having been one of our most pro-active members in recent years. Chariot Office Supplies has always embraced group initiatives and Mike has been a member of our marketing committee for a number of years, I am very excited about what he can bring to the business in the year ahead.”

Mike is equally delighted with his new role, commenting: “I am so passionate about the role of the dealer group and how they can help the independent reseller like us. I have seen first-hand the impact embracing things like the Keep It Local campaign can have on a business, collectively we have so many ideas bubbling away that will make us stand out from the crowd as a group that really cares about its members and knows how to develop growth. I am pleased to be in a position to add my thoughts at the top table and implement many of my ideas for the future, and enjoy seeing more dealers be inspired and benefit from the group support, as we have at Chariot Office Supplies.”

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