Office Power takes on former dealer to lead Partner Success team

Office Power has appointed former office supplies dealer, Mark Davis, to lead its new Partner Success department.
Davis was MD of Office Star E-Pro for seven years, and key account director with Office Gold Group for over a decade.
“No one can get under the skin of a dealer better than a fellow dealer,” commented David. “I have valuable inside knowledge of what it takes to successfully manage both large and small dealerships.
“The experience I bring to Office Power from a dealer business perspective, combined with the extensive industry, technology and supplier knowledge they already have internally, really does make us best placed to support dealers in their goal for future success.”
Office Power CEO, Simon Drakeford, added: “We’re delighted to have Mark on board. His industry expertise makes him perfectly positioned to lead Office Power’s new Partner Success department.
“Our focus has always been on supporting our dealer partners to be more efficient and profitable while retaining full control and brand independence and, as the number of dealers partnering with Office Power continues to grow, providing first class technology and service to ensure ‘partner success’ remains our number one priority.”
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