The lessons to be learned from inspirational leaders

Inspirational leadership is about more than knowing your business. It’s about knowing yourself. Successful leaders reflect and review, carving out time for contemplation to gain a crystal-clear understanding of the ‘why, ‘how’ and ‘when’.’ Here, we look at how dealers can apply the habits of highly effective leaders

CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on SME Today

Mastering time

The most successful leaders understand the importance of maintaining a strategic outlook to prioritise essential tasks effectively. On average, nearly 30% of a typical CEO’s time is consumed by unproductive activities like email management and unnecessary meetings. High-performing leaders are masters of time management, efficiently delegating administrative responsibilities to concentrate on critical tasks. They meticulously structure their work weeks, to allow themselves the agility and flexibility to place themselves where their time can be used to its optimal value.

Stepping out of the comfort zone

Through comprehensive analysis and deep comprehension of the business landscape, effective leaders foster an environment conducive to pushing boundaries and questioning conventional norms. They balance this with astute risk management, ensuring prudent decision-making. Promoting a culture that embraces failure as a catalyst for growth, these leaders actively pursue innovative concepts, engage in continuous learning initiatives, and champion experimentation with fresh approaches.

Emotional intelligence at the helm

The most effective leaders elevate their impact on the organisation by displaying high emotional intelligence that senses the ‘mood’ around them. Actively engaging with others, they listen as much as they speak, responding promptly and respectfully to feedback. Recognising the weight of their words, they consciously shape organisational culture through powerful communication, steering the company towards success.

Leading by example

Outstanding leaders set the standard by embodying the values and principles they want their employees and organisations to uphold, serving as a model for performance and integrity. Demonstrating personal accountability for actions and decisions is vital, as it cultivates a culture of responsibility within the team.

Navigating leadership roles undoubtedly presents a myriad of challenges, whether you are a new manager or a seasoned CEO. By embracing these fundamental habits, which serve as the cornerstones for success in the ever-evolving realm of business leadership, senior professionals can better position themselves to achieve both personal and business goals.

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