The top four uses for digital signage 

Digital signage is dynamic and is evolving all the time – whether it’s being used in offices, schools, shops, street corners – or even on the side of buses – it presents a good sales opportunity for dealers

According to Mood Media, digital signage installations are growing by up to 40% per year. Retail is leading the industry, with 25% of sales, alongside quick service restauraunts (20%), healthcare and corporate companies (12%) and finance and education (4%). 

Digital signage is a useful solution for displaying content. It is easily adaptable, attention-grabbing and it can be used to communicate a wide variety of messages. For retail businesses, digital signage adds an upswing in overall sales volume by 31.8% according to SignStix, so dealers should be increasingly interested in digital signage as a product and the ways they can sell it to their customers. Here are four ways that digital signage can be used.

  • Directions: digital signage can help to guide people as they move through buildings, like shopping centres, venues for events and cities. It helps to make things easier for both those distributing the information and those reading it as it can utilise maps, directions or instructions that are easy to update – so it can be much more cost-effective and efficient than static signage, which requires both time and money to replace every time an update is needed.
  • Entertainment: digital signage can turn waiting in a queue into an immersive experience! Using digital signage in areas of high people traffic, or large queues, can grab the attention of onlookers and means more people will see your customer’s content.
  • Promotion: digital signage to promote products will help your customer grab the attention of consumers with a bold and memorable digital display. 
  • Announcements: announcing important messages using digital signage makes a statement that, similar to promotion, is bold and memorable. By utilising a bright, high-resolution, display, the message will be easily read and understood from any distance – and having access to a solution that is simple to update also helps when information is quick to change or time-sensitive.

The value of digital signage

When selling digital signage to customers it is key to let them know the value it can bring. 

  • Have a clear explanation of the technology: make sure they know what they are buying. 
  • Make sure you understand your customer’s products: build the pitch around their requirements and anticipate their needs.
  • Understand your competition: make sure you let your customers know why you are better.
  • Discuss the value of the product, not the cost. identify where it can help to improve their business and where it will save them money – for example, the need to constantly replace of physical signs.

In a world where technology is becoming increasingly common, digital signage is a great way to update traditional signage to improve adaptability, enhance opportunities for communication and grab people’s attention. 

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