Tackling food’s impact: Eating sustainably

Eco friendly sustainable lifestyle

As our planet grapples with the escalating challenges of climate change, the pivotal role of our dietary choices in exacerbating these issues is increasingly under scrutiny. With food production accounting for approximately 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions, urgent action is imperative to align with our climate targets

CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on WWF

It has become apparent that the ramifications of our food extend beyond emissions alone. Alarmingly, agriculture consumes a staggering 70% of freshwater drawn from rivers and lakes, while simultaneously driving deforestation at an alarming rate. This dual impact paints a stark picture of our current food system’s toll, with biodiversity loss escalating to a worrying 60% globally.

Six steps to sustainable eating

  • Embrace plant-based delights: By prioritising vegetables, legumes, and nuts, we unlock a world of culinary diversity and flavour. Drawing inspiration from cuisines like Chinese, Malaysian, and Mediterranean, we discover that plant-based meals can be both nutritious and tantalisingly delicious.
  • Embrace culinary diversity: Diversifying our palate beyond traditional staples like chicken enriches our culinary experience while ensuring a more balanced and nutritious diet.
  • Combat food waste: Confronting the staggering reality of food waste – where households discard a staggering 30% of purchased food – is imperative. By minimising waste, we conserve precious natural resources and alleviate financial strain.
  • Moderate meat consumption: Embracing a more measured approach to meat consumption, encompassing both red and white meats, allows us to reduce our ecological footprint while exploring alternative protein sources.
  • Prioritise certified standards: Mindful selection of food products bearing credible certifications such as Fairtrade and MSC ensures that our purchases uphold sustainable production practices, safeguarding both the environment and vulnerable communities.
  • Limit high-fat, salt, and sugar foods: By exercising moderation in indulging in foods high in fat, salt, and sugar, we promote healthier dietary habits and reduce strain on both our health and the environment.

Prioritising sustainable eating practices is crucial for lessening the environmental impact of our food choices and looking after our planet’s resources. By making simple changes to what we eat, we’re not just benefiting our health but also doing our part for a healthier world.

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